Think Before You Speak or Write!

Written by Carisa Stahl Set a watch , O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Psalm 141:3 In days gone by a lot of communication was done with the mouth. In the days we are living in much of our communication is done with our fingers on our phones or computers. Out of the five ways listed above I have texting and email, and Mary allows me to blog on her blog. Do I always watch what I say with my fingers? I'm sure I do not. Once we say something via the above ways of communication it's out there forever, able to be found in ways we could never dream of. Not only do we need to make sure what we say is true, helpful, inspiring, necessary, and kind but if it is all of those is it really something we want the whole world to know? I've seen Facebook used for written sparring with very nasty, hurtful stuff said. Would the involved people act that way if they were face to face? I feel that v...