God uses broken, sinful, people to accomplish great things!

Dear God, Use Me! Galations 6:10 - As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith. I know I am not everything God intends me to be; I may never be ALL that He wants me to be. But, abiding in His grace, love, and mercy, each day that I wake up gives me an opportunity to get closer to living as He desires. Satan always attacks in those areas where I am weakest. Follow through is NOT one of my strong points. I am great at starting projects but not so great at finishing them. I am quickly engaged, easily distracted, and sometimes lose focus. When I started this blog, almost a year ago, it was my intention to sit down and write every single day. I started out with great enthusiasm, I was motivated to tell MY story, I was on fire for God, and I was on fire for Life. I wanted to share that with everyone I knew. Sadly, I let people and circumstances alter my f...