Wash Me And I Will Be Whiter Than Snow

© Copyright John Brightley and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence . Psalm 51:7 - (KJV) - Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. This morning’s commute was like riding through a winter wonderland. There was a light frosting of snow on the trees and bushes. Not enough to make driving too miserable but I did need to slow down so I wouldn’t find myself slipping and sliding all over the country roads I travel to and from work. The roads were just a little slippery, and the snow was blowing off the trees and housetops making little snow storms along the route; but, really, all things considered, it was just beautiful. I found myself thinking about how the roads looked yesterday. They were clear of snow and ice and easy to drive; but they were also dark and dingy, unremarkable in appearance, and they lacked luster. Then I had a funny thought! I...