Wash Me And I Will Be Whiter Than Snow

© Copyright John Brightley and
licensed for 
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Psalm 51:7 - (KJV) - Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.


This morning’s commute was like riding through a winter wonderland.  There was a light frosting of snow on the trees and bushes.  Not enough to make driving too miserable but I did need to slow down so I wouldn’t find myself slipping and sliding all over the country roads I travel to and from work.

The roads were just a little slippery, and the snow was blowing off the trees and housetops making little snow storms along the route; but, really, all things considered, it was just beautiful.  I found myself thinking about how the roads looked yesterday.  They were clear of snow and ice and easy to drive; but they were also dark and dingy, unremarkable in appearance, and they lacked luster.

Then I had a funny thought!  I thought to myself that this must be what we look like to God after we accept Christ as our savior.  It’s not hard for me to imagine that I was dark and dingy, and nothing special to look at, before accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and my Savior. 

The Bible says that God can wash us and that we will be whiter than snow.  I just love that picture!  Someday perhaps God will show us what He sees when He looks at us; maybe we’ll know what we looked like to him before we were saved; and then, maybe we’ll see what God sees when He looks at us after we are washed in the precious blood of His Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Until that day I’m going to imagine that the transformation is much like this morning, a lustrous snow covered, white and wonderful sight that only God could make.

My Prayer for Today...   Thank you, Lord, for helping me see You in everything.  Help me be grateful for all the seasons you give us.  Help me remember to share Your love with others as You have shared Your Son with us.  Dear Lord, give me an opportunity to share the Lord Jesus Christ with others.


  1. I finally got around to reading this post you mentioned last Thursday. You are a deep thinker and can express your thoughts well!


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I hope this post was a blessing to you and that you found something to help you in your daily walk with Christ. Would you please take a moment and share something that makes your home run more smoothly and aids you in your Walk with Christ? MarySmiles ;-)

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