Mary Time - Because I'm Worth It!

Hi Everyone, Gee... I know it's been a long time since many of you have heard from me. I've had some issues... We'll just leave it at that; you don't need or want to know all my "issues". And, I don't really want to sit here and type them all out for you either (that would be just plain un-fun!). Last night, as I lay sleepless in my bed, I had time to think and I decided that I've let drudgery take over my life. I'm retired! I should be out there having a blast; but the time has turned into one long monotonous day after another of the same old thing. And, that's largely my responsibility. So, I've decided I need to start small; but I want to start. My plan is called Mary Time - Because I'm worth it! I am going to schedule a one-hour appointment with myself each and every day on my Google Calendar (with a reminder notification) so I can set aside some “ QUALITY” Mary Time . I want to invest in ...