Little is Much when God is In It!

Dear Readers, I wrote this post on Monday, January 5, 2015! I just realized that I never posted it to my blog. I've decided to post it now because God prompted me to write this, and He may know that someone needs to read it today. I know I was convicted as I re-read the post.... and I wrote it! Little is Much when God is In It! The greatest things happen when God is involved! I got up this morning and wrote my blog, and then my husband got up and we sat down to read our Bibles together. Then I did my devotions. I do my daily devotions with my Sunday School lesson. This week's lesson just happened to be on God being with you all the time and on depending on Him to strengthen you, just as my blog post had been. I love it when God works things out just that way. He put a certain message in my head this morning, he told me what to share with all my reading friends and family, and then he reinforced that message in my S...