Little is Much when God is In It!

Dear Readers,

I wrote this post on Monday, January 5, 2015!  I just realized that I never posted it to my blog.  

I've decided to post it now because God prompted me to write this, and He may know that someone needs to read it today.  I know I was convicted as I re-read the post....   and I wrote it!

Little is Much when God is In It!  

The greatest things happen when God is involved!  I got up this morning and wrote my blog, and then my husband got up and we sat down to read our Bibles together.  Then I did my devotions. I do my daily devotions with my Sunday School lesson.  This week's lesson just happened to be on God being with you all the time and on depending on Him to strengthen you, just as my blog post had been. 

I love it when God works things out just that way. He put a certain message in my head this morning, he told me what to share with all my reading friends and family, and then he reinforced that message in my Sunday School lesson. God is amazing!

Happy Monday Everybody!  It's been a great weekend!  I was able to rest and to get some things done around the house.  I went to church yesterday it was just a wonderful service!  The best way to start out the New Year is right there in your own church surrounded by your friends and church family!

I hope everybody else started their New Year in the house of God and I pray that you will spend the whole with Him. One of my resolutions is to get my life, and my health, in order so I can serve God and to serve others to the fullest extent possible.  I am asking God to show me what He has for me, for the strength to take all that He has for me, and the courage to ask Him for just a little bit more.  I have been listening to a sermon by Pastor S.M. Davis, on "How to Increase Your Life's Potential"; in his sermon Pastor Davis teaches us that God's richest blessings are reserved for those that take all that He has for them and then ask for more.

In order to make sure I'm up to the task I've decided that I need to be moving in the right direction, at the right time, day by day. Little by little, bit by bit, I can accomplish more, and be more thorough in living in Our Lord Jesus Christ, if I plan my day and start each day with a task list.  

I've set up a template for my daily to do list, and I've printed it off.  As I finish each task I'm going to check it off and I'm going to thank God for the power and strength to get that task accomplished. 

It isn't much to write a list, anyone can do it.  What is important is that you write the list and then follow through on your goals. I've written lots of lists...   None of them were terribly special....   This time my lists are different, my goals are different, because I am calling on God's power to accomplish each task on that list. 

As God gives me the strength, and the power, to get thing done I am going to take a few moments and personally thank Him for helping me complete each task.  I've started things on my own power and haven't always followed through; my power is limited, my strength wains, and my courage falters.  

This time I am depending upon God's power.  His strength is unending, His power is complete, and His wisdom is infinite.  I am going to stop depending on my own limited store of strength and power and put my trust on God's Super Store of strength, power, and wisdom.  

My prayer for today...
Dear Lord, help me remember that You are the source of all power, and that I can come to you any time, any day, and ask for your strength, power, and wisdom so I can honor and glorify you throughout all the challenges of life.


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