SparkPeople - One Small Change... --- 2019-0102

SparkPeople - One Small Change...

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

One Small Change... I have had limited success at weight loss and healthy living most of my life. I would try to DO IT ALL, become overwhelmed, and revert back to my old way of life.

With SparkPeople I am learning the wisdom of making one small change on a regular basis and am praying that this is the road to success on my journey to improved health and wellness. Please keep me in your prayers as I go...

If you want to join me in this wisdom you can read this lesson from The SparkPeople 28 Day Challenge. It was a real eye opener for me.  My SparkPeople username is ManySplendors if you want to friend me or follow my progress.  I'd be glad of the company!

Learn how to eat healthier--right now



The Top Three!

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