2014-0131 - godly counsel 2

If someone doesn’t love, honor, or respect my belief in, and dependence upon, the one and only true God, the Maker and Creator of the universe can I expect him or her to guide me in the direction I should go? No! I don’t think so. Therefore, I have some important decisions to make for my life. Exodus Chapter 20 (Paraphrased) The Bible speaks directly to many situations we encounter every day; consider The Ten Commandments, they are pretty specific. And, in those instances where the Bible doesn’t speak directly to a specific situation, it provides the right principles and guidelines for our Christian walk. But, we must read the Bible, meditate upon it, and figure out how to apply it to our daily lives. Do you have a problem that is bothering you today? May I recommend that you stop, and pray, and ask God to help you find the answer to your question? Then listen for His answer! Sometimes we stop at telling God the problem...