2014-0123 - Christian radio

Another huge winter storm, with bitter cold and piles of snow settled in on Delaware this week.  It isn’t pretty out there.  The polar vortex hit us again on Wednesday brining temperatures in the single digits and it was very windy; the wind chill factor was in the double digits below zero and it was extremely dangerous outside. 

I remember such winters being common when I was growing up in the Midwest; but, thankfully, they are a rarity here on the East Coast.  We just aren’t prepared for these temperatures and we don’t have the equipment to deal with the big snows quickly and efficiently.  So the State of Delaware pronounced a state-of-emergency and asked us to stay off the streets.

Reluctantly, my employer notified all of us that we would close all of our offices on Wednesday.  We were given enough notice about the storm that I came home prepared.  I brought a pile of work home with me so I wouldn’t get too far behind.  I also have dozens of things that need to be sorted and put away from my Saturday clear-the-clutter session with Miss Amy!

The problem is that I was still sick and I never really got up enough energy to get out of bed!  So, today, I am back at work and feeling behind, the drive in to work kind of stressed me out as many of the back-roads I use had packed ice and snow on them.  I woke up with the same headache that I went to bed with and now I’m trying to work with a migraine.  It’s amazing to me that the work doesn’t just stop when I can’t get into the office, hahaha!

But, honestly, it is not my intention to be a Gloomy Gus nor do I want to bring anyone else down.  In times like these, when I am feeling sorry for me, it is best for me to find something to be grateful about and to focus on that, instead of keeping the focus on “poor-me”.

So…   Today…   I am grateful for Christian radio.  I am able to listen to 96.1 FM – WIHW, Christian Radio of Dover, DE [http://www.cbcofdover.com] on the radio while I’m here at work.  Capitol Baptist Church has a transmitter which airs the Fundamental Broadcasting Network [http://www.fbnradio.com/] and many are able to receive the signal here in Dover and surrounding areas.

For those that live further away (like me), we are able to receive the broadcast at home via the internet at www.cbcofdover.com or on the Tune-In radio app.  I can listen to radio broadcasts of our services when I’m unable to get to church.  It is a real blessing to me as it helps me guard what I allow into my mind and my thoughts.  Seems that the older I get, the more that I enjoy good preaching!

Old-Fashioned, KJV, Christian Radio helps keep me feeling upbeat and mindful of the fact that I have a testimony to guard even when things aren’t going my way, or when I don’t feel well.  The Christ centered songs, and the good old-fashioned King James preaching, remind me that God is with me wherever I go and whatever I do.  The uplifting messages remind me of God’s love, of the sacrifices that Jesus made to secure my place in heaven, and that I have so many blessing to be grateful for!

Ephesians 1:2-4 (KJV) - Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love…

My Prayer for Today…   Dear Lord, Thank you for Christian Radio and the opportunity to listen at work.  It helps me stay focused on your love, grace, and mercy.  Lord, please give me a good attitude, and help your love shine through me that others may see how much You love them through my actions and my attitude.  Help me be thankful in all things.


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