2014-0108 - get healthy, lose weight

About a week ago now I mentioned goals and got side tracked on how much I like lists.  I did mention that I am easily distracted!  I have been musing over those goals; and today I put pen to paper and started my list.

The problem with goals is that you have to put feet to them.  You can write down anything; but if you don’t put the plan into action, nothing happens.  In selecting goals, I have taken some advice from better goal setters than myself.  I borrowed the SMARTGoal acronym for some ideas.  You can find some great goal setting advice and a really cool matrix at Wikepedia.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMART_criteria

So here goes!!!

Goal:  get healthy, lose weight

I want to lose 100 pounds.  At 1 pound per week it will take me about 2 years.  I will need to adopt some new habits.
My new motto will be Eat Right, Move More, Stay Motivated!

I will weigh myself every Saturday morning to measure my progress and to make sure the scale is moving in the right direction.

Yes, I’ve lost weight before, so I know I can do this, the trick is to keep on after I get bored or when my food cravings kick in!  So, I need a plan!

Eat right:  With a few changes to my food and drink choices I will be able to add some nutrients and eliminate some calories.
  • Fewer fast foods (limit once per week)
  • More raw foods (cooking damages nutrients).
  • Drink Barley Max every day.  
  • Fewer processed and refined white foods (sugar, white bread, pasta).
  • More veggies (fresh is best; but frozen is acceptable)
  • More water (at least 8 glasses a day), organic green tea, and eliminate cream and sweeteners.

Move more:  a little exercise will burn off some of those pesky calories and build muscle.
  • Walk 3+ times a week.
  • Sign up for a spring 5K walk and start training.  Study the map so I don’t get lost again.
  • Use Urban Rebounder (for more than a clothing rack).
  • As soon as I’m able, swim twice a week.

Stay Motivated
  • Less television: endless commercials stimulate my gluttony and my covetousness.  I cannot sit and eat all evening and expect to lose weight, duh!
  • Clothes: For each pound lost I will put a $2.00 bill into a clothing fund.  $200 goes a long way at thrift stores and yard sales!
  • Stay busy:  When my mind, and my hands, are occupied I’m less likely to overeat.
  • Do not H.A.L.T:  Don’t get too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

I have had lots of challenges with my health.  I would like to see some improvements.
  • Making good food and beverage choices will support my immune system and I will be healthier.
  • Losing weight, and building muscle, will take some stress off my joints and I will feel better.
  • Healthier people, with fewer joint problems, are more capable of serving God – and others.
  • God only gave me one body and I need to take better care of it. 
  • 1 Corinthians 6:19 (KJV) - What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

Two years seems like enough time to lose 100 pounds slowly and healthfully; that’s only one pound per week.  But, I need interim goals and rewards.
  • Today is my first day without refined sugar or white flour!  I will celebrate with a warm cinnamon apple and some organic chamomile tea.
  • Each week with an overall weight loss I will treat myself to some small craft item, or tool, so I can stay productive and motivated by something besides food.  In the past when I lost weight I celebrated with food (counterproductive, huh?)
  • Each month with an overall weight loss I will treat myself with something budget friendly but special; not sure what yet but I have to mark those milestones or I’ll get discouraged! Maybe a pretty journal, or a facial!  I'll let you know in a month.  ;-)
  • 21 Days:  I’ve heard it takes 21 days to develop a new habit.  So, for the next 21 days I will…
    • NOT buy junk food.
    • PLAN meals ahead of time.
    • KEEP more fruits and veggies in the house.
    • WRITE DOWN everything I put in my mouth.

See, Goal setting can be fun!  Now the hard work starts!  Would you please pray for me and encourage me in these goals?  I would sure appreciate it.

My prayer for today…  Dear Lord, Thank you for helping me develop a plan of action for improving my health, and losing some weight.  Lord, you know that I have had many a failure, and that I am very fearful, in this area of my life.  I really need Your help to succeed this time.  Lord, I know that you love me more than anybody else has ever loved me (or ever will); please be my strength in this journey.  Psalm 56:4 (KJV)In God I will praise his word, in God I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.


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